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“So…anyway, I’m starting to wonder if the guy we have trying to fix our machines really knows what he’s doing and I’d like to have you come take a look at them.”

St John’s Yacht Club in Charleston, SC
His name is Beau, he’s the dock-master at St Johns Yacht Club over on the Stono River, needless to say he’s got another set of headaches on his hands, aside from the other dozens of things that always need attending to in a marina.
Upon arrival, I discover two washers out and a dryer are out of order. These are some of Alliance Laundry Systems stack components. They feature a washer on the bottom and a dryer on the top. They have me double check the other guy’s diagnosis, he’s right about the two washers and completely clueless as to the problem with the dryer.
I’m told he’s already spent a lot of hours trying to figure out why the computer controls keep throwing random errors.
I ask them where the breaker box is at and if they have tried turning it on and off to get rid of any static electricity buildup in the computer and control boards.
The manager jumps up and runs upstairs and throws the breaker off. I let it set five minutes and have him throw it back on.
BAM!! Progress! The dryer comes back on and functions normally, it did indeed have too much static electricity building up in it. This is a common problem and I often find myself having to do this.
The outcome, they have the other guy finish up the repairs he’s already started since he’s already ordered the parts and they send all future repairs to me. I just repaired a washer for them last week.
I think the big sell for them is that they no longer have to wonder about who to call if they have an issue with their coin operated laundry equipment. Even better, they no longer have to worry about whether the person they call knows what he’s doing.
If you find yourself in similar circumstances, feel free to give me a call at 843 568 5936.
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