Dishwasher Making Noise

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Dishwasher Making Noise – One thing it is always wise to do is to turn your appliance off if you hear it making a strange noise, I just arrived at a call for a dishwasher that I’m told is making a lot of noise when it runs. When I originally got the call, the lady of the house had told me that she just let it run through the cycle even though it was making a noise likeĀ  a freight train.

Once I arrived and got the impeller area opened up, I immediately saw that their was some broken glass in the compartment, needless to say it was grinding away inside the impeller compartment all the way thorough the cycle that was being run. After removing what could be seen by taking off the top cover of the assembly, I was ready to run a test and see if there was anything else in the water drive unit.

Unfortunately, the test revealed that the unit was still not quite right. The glass had been ground up and had eaten up the impeller and the housing and the only solution would be to disconnect the power, water and drain lines, completely pull the unit out and dis-assemble it to survey which parts had been damaged and would need to be replaced.

However, due to the age of the dishwasher and the fact that a new one could be purchased for just over three hundred bucks, they decided to go ahead and just replace it.

The sad part was that it had been working just fine until this problem happened and more than likely would have continued to work for years to come. Lesson learned, when you hear dishwasher making noise, turn it off immediately and call an appliance repair tech, you’ll probably end up saving yourself some money if you do.

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Posted in Appliance Repair, Appliance Repair Charleston, Dishwasher

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